Thursday 7 July 2011

Disorder's Life #24 - Humiliation makes you worst

I can not stress enough how someone suffering from compulsive hoarding should have their privacy preserved, & treated with respect, dignity & understanding. Humiliating type of exposure is akin to "exposure therapy" in that it serves no greater purpose than to desensitise & free the sufferer from the very thing that was helping them to not get any worse than they already are.

When your whole world is turned upside down, your pride & dignity lost. It changes you for the worst. You stop giving an eff & sink down lower.


  1. It looks like it has been awhile since you have posted, but I would like to know you better. Maybe to understand your train of thought. I have a friend who is also a hoarder and I truly believe it is linked to her depression and lack of self esteem. Please continue to publish, I have all the empathy one can have for you, it must be hell to not understand why you feel it necessary to live in disorder when you crave order. My heart and prayers are with you.

  2. Hey,

    My name is Anna, thank you for sharing your blog.
    I hope you don't mind but I wanted to let you know, and anyone who may be interested, that I am in the early stages of researching the area of hoarding tendencies for a documentary in the UK, where we will provide over 6 months of free expert specialist help and therapy for the 2 UK participants involved.
    If you know of anyone interested in this opportunity, or want to hear more, do get in touch via my email below.
    My email is

